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Connector management

Apache Kafka® Connect is a tool that allows scalable and reliable data streaming between Apache Kafka and other systems. For more information, see Apache Kafka Connect.

Apache Kafka connectors simplify the process of quickly defining connectors that move large collections of data into and out of Apache Kafka. With Apache Kafka Connect, it is possible to ingest entire databases or collect metrics from all application servers into Apache Kafka topics, thus making the data available for low-latency stream processing.

Apache Kafka Connect is a tool for scalable and reliable streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems. For more information, see Apache Kafka Connect

Manage Apache Kafka Connect

Apache Kafka Connect provides a REST API for managing connectors, which is available in both standalone and distributed modes.

Manage connectors in Klaw

Klaw manages connectors through a designated Team that takes ownership and management. The team initiates requests to create connectors in the development environment and has the ability to promote them to other environments, including production. The team that owns the connector is responsible for making the final decision related to any requests, such as approving or declining them.