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Run Klaw from source

Klaw is a Java project. Follow the below steps to run this project from the source.

  1. Download the latest code from the Klaw GitHub repository.


    You can also clone the repository to use the "bleeding edge" version if you wish.

  2. Experimental UI Configuration

    A redesigned user interface for Browse topics, providing a new look and feel for managing Apache Kafka® topics. It consists of changes to the layout, styling, and overall appearance of the interface, as well as improvements to make browsing and working topics easier, more efficient, and more accessible. This new look and feel is achieved by switching to React.

    The redesigned UI is enabled by default since Release 2.4.0. If you want to use Klaw without the preview, for now, you can disable it:

    • Configure the property klaw.coral.enabled in the file to false in the module: core.
  3. Configure Klaw Cluster API access

    • Configure the property klaw.clusterapi.access.base64.secret in the file with a base64 string in the module: core.
    • Configure the property klaw.clusterapi.access.base64.secret in the file with the above base64 string in the module: cluster-api.
    echo "ThisIsExactlyA32CharStringSecret" | base64
  4. Build the project by running ./mvnw clean package for Linux(bash) or mvnw clean package for Windows, from the top level of the project directory. This will build JAR files in the target/ directories of each module: core and cluster-api.

    node, npm, and pnpm are also installed locally (required for React UI assets) through maven execution plugins.

    If the build runs into an error while installing node/npm/pnpm, you can

    • Disable the execution plugins (for node/npm/pnpm) in module core/pom.xml
    • Manually install node/npm/pnpm and copy assets by following the procedure here. Manual installation of React
  5. Start the API components by running its JAR files:

    • Run with script

      In the bin directory of the repository, run the script for Mac or Linux, which starts both Klaw Core and Klaw Cluster API applications.


    • Run with commands

      java -jar klaw-clusterapi-<version>.jar

      To pass additional configuration, pass an additional parameter like


      Start the web UI by running its JAR file:

      java -jar klaw-<version>.jar

      To pass additional configurations, include them as follows:


  6. Access the web interface using the URL:

  7. Log in as the administrator user to get started.

    • Username: superadmin
    • Password: kwsuperadmin123$$ (for Klaw releases 2.5.0 and older)
    • Password: welcometoklaw (starting from the Klaw 2.6.0 release)

Next steps

Once you have finished verifying your installation, we recommend you follow the documentation in Configure Klaw with wizard.