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In Klaw, users are assigned default roles such as USER or SUPERADMIN when they are added to the system. Each role has specific permissions associated with it.

Retrieve roles from AD

For users defined in Azure Active Directory or third-party SSO providers, roles can be retrieved from the provider by setting the relevant configurations in the file.

Relevant configuration:

# Enable user Authorization/roles from AD/SSO, instead of database.
# klaw.login.authentication.type should be set to ad for this value to be true
# Role : If is true, role will be picked up from authentication token/authorities ex : ROLE_USER.
# and looks for matching role in Klaw. Make sure only one matching role exists. If nothing exists, user is denied login.

After completing the configuration, make sure that your AD/SSO provider has roles defined, such as ROLE_USER or APPROLE_USER. The actual role is identified post the underscore (_). These roles should be consistent with the ones available in Klaw.