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Manage topic requests

When a topic request is made, a team member other than the request creator can review and approve or decline the request.

Approve a request

  1. Upon login to Klaw, a pop-up will notify you of Pending Requests. To view them, select Yes, show me! or navigate to Approve and select Topic Requests to view the pending requests.

  2. Review all information related to the request and approve it by clicking the tick button while viewing the pending topic requests.

  3. The topic will immediately attempt to be provisioned upon approval.


    In the event of any issue in the topic creation, the request will remain in the approvals view for re-approval once the issue is resolved.

Declining a request

  1. Upon login to Klaw, a pop-up will notify you of Pending Requests. To view them, select Yes, show me! or navigate to Approve and select Topic Requests to view the pending requests.
  2. Review the information associated with the topic request and decline it by clicking the X button.
  3. Provide a reason for declining the request.
  4. The request will be declined, and the creator will receive an email with your reason for declining the request.

Reviewing a request

The request contains various fields to help the approver make an informed decision and keep an audit record of the request and the topic details within Klaw.

  • Cluster
    Establishes the cluster environment for which the request is being made.

  • Partitions
    The number of Partitions this topic has in this environment.

  • Replication Factor
    The replication factor set for this topic in this environment.

  • Requestor
    The person who has raised this request. In most cases, this will be a fellow team member, but in the case of a claim topic request, it would be a person from another team.

  • Team
    The team who has raised this request. In most cases will be your team, but in the case of a claim topic request, it would be another team.

  • Request Type
    The type of request being requested, can take the form of an action.

  • Create
    Create a new topic request is in this category.

  • Delete
    Delete a topic request is in this category.

  • Update
    Claim a topic and edit a topic are both in this category.

  • Date Requested
    This is a timestamp of when the request was created.

  • Other Topic Configurations
    The advanced configuration will appear in this space, such as those described in Apaches documentation

  • Description
    This will include details provided by the topic creator.

  • Remarks
    This is any remarks on the request by the request creator.

  • Status
    The Status will show the current state of the request

    • created
    • approved
    • declined
    • deleted
  • Approving Info
    This lists the team and the team members who can approve the request.


The request creator cannot approve their own request and will not be listed as an approver.