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Synchronize ACLs from cluster

To synchronize ACLs from an Apache Kafka® cluster with Klaw metadata, use this procedure, which entails retrieving the ACLS (Producers & Consumers) from an existing Apache Kafka cluster and assigning them to a team in Klaw.


  1. Environment configuration: Make sure that the klaw.tenant.config property is set up as described in the tenant configuration documentation.
  2. User permissions: Log in with a user account with either SUPERADMIN or SYNC_SUBSCRIPTIONS permissions.

Steps to synchronize ACLs

  1. Navigate to the Synchronize menu and select ACLs from Cluster.

  2. Choose one or more ACLs from the list, assign them to a team, and select Save. The selected ACLs will now appear on the topic overview page, assigned to the chosen team.


  3. To view all existing ACLs, whether assigned to teams or not, select the Show all option. This will display all Apache Kafka ACLs, both assigned and unassigned to any teams.

Following the above steps, you can synchronize ACLs from an Apache Kafka cluster with Klaw metadata.