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Synchronize topics from cluster

To synchronize topics from an Apache Kafka® cluster with Klaw, follow the procedure below, which involves retrieving the topics from an existing Apache Kafka cluster and assigning them to a Klaw team.


  • Configuration: Ensure that your environments and the klaw.tenant.config property are configured as specified in the Tenant Configuration documentation.
  • User Permissions: Log in as either a SUPERADMIN or as a user with the SYNC_TOPICS permission.

Steps to synchronize topics

  1. Navigate to the Synchronize menu and select Topics from Cluster.

  2. Synchronize topics with either of the following two options:

    • Individual Options: Select one or more topics individually, choose a team, and save. The selected topics will now appear in the Topics menu, assigned to the chosen team.

    • Bulk Options tab: Select all topics from the Apache Kafka cluster at once, choose a team and save. The selected topics will now appear in the Topics menu, assigned to the chosen team.


  3. You can view all the topics and assign topics to a different team by selecting the Show All option. This displays all the Apache Kafka topics, both assigned and unassigned to any team.

If a topic is deleted on the cluster but still exists in Klaw metadata, you can remove it from Klaw. You will notice this at the end of the record.

By following these steps, you can synchronize topics from an Apache Kafka cluster with Klaw metadata.


To get automated notifications whenever there are changes on topics between Klaw and Apache Kafka clusters, configure the property klaw.notify.admins.clusterchanges.scheduler.enable to true in Klaw Core module. This by default sends a notification to Klaw admins at 12 AM everyday. If you would like to change that, you may configure the property for cron expression klaw.notify.admins.clusterchanges.scheduler.cron.expression